Calgary Custom Build | Elbow Park 12th


Originally this luxury two-story custom home in Upper Elbow Park was sold during construction at the finishing stage. The original clients that purchased it wanted to personalize it and make it their own with unique lighting selections, dramatic wallpaper, and bold paint colours in every room. After a short time in Calgary, they were transferred to another city for work, so this home went up on the market for sale. When the new owners purchased it, they could see past the wall colours and see the true potential. They contacted us to come in and complete a few minor renovations, including new wallpaper, changing out the lighting and cabinet hardware, and new wall colours throughout the home. We ended up with a classic & timeless design that suited the new owners perfectly and was our original vision for this home. Both owners fell in love with the overall layout, including the taller ceilings in the family room that are finished with a ceiling detail incorporating lacquered beams and stained wood panels. The built-in daybed is a constant favourite with most of our clientele as it is the perfect spot for the whole family and then the spacious open kitchen with the most exquisite honed marble countertops.


Calgary Custom Build | Hillhurst 2


Calgary Custom Build | Elbow Park 10th Street